Hi, everyone! It is really thrilling to be blogging, yet again after donkey years. I finally took up the courage to create this blog and share my stories (well actually, after being pestered). If you have not known, Tashkila SG is founded by the same people, from Hana Olivia FS. An online store selling shawls...Heard of it before? Probably not. We were not popular and were still young and inexperience at e-commerce. However, through that, I've learnt to grow and pick up some lessons. Hana Olivia FS only lasted for about a year or so, and then went MIA. LITERALLY. I lost hope somewhere...When I started Hana Olivia FS, (OKAY, you might be wondering why the name...It was just my cyber name. Don't try to find. I don't use it anymore hehe) alright where do I stop? I started an online shop just because...it was tiring working part-time while juggling with school! I had some money from my part-time job so I used that for my capital. A very small amount. I was kind of lucky to start 2 months before Hari Raya, when the sales booms! Honestly I was zero in business and just doing trial and error while risking my money (when I had so little :( ) Alhamdulillah, it went pretty well at first. More than what I have expected. I only started with 20 hijabs and unexpectedly grew to hundreds. It was the highly coveted (still) Neutre-Satinette. Of course, I did this with the help of A. He, (yes, he. You must have guessed who) helped me a lot in graphics. Thank God he has passion for it.
However, it doesn't last for long. I was in my 3rd year and busy with FYP, internship and all that school stuffs. I didn't know where was I heading to with Hana Olivia FS...that finally it closes down. I literally lost hope and felt so insecure because the competition was too tense. A lot of time, A would motivate me (nag most of the time) and even signed me up for marketing seminar. (Awww, things he do for me..:'))
I decided to move into a different line. OLIcandy. It all started because I was on a tight budget (and broke most of the time) but miss vainpot still wants to get some beauty supplement for herself. I was so impressed by OLIcandy because first thing, it's super affordable and considered cheap for a beauty product. Secondly, IT'S A CHEWABLE CANDY! (TELL ME WHERE DO I GET THATTTTT?) I fell in love with it at the first sight and decided to give it a try. Voila (alhamdulillah) it works well for me! At that time (almost a year ago), there were no Singapore stockist and it was hard to get the stocks. So I dragged a friend along and convinced her to be partner as a stockist here in Singapore. Business was so bad at first, really bad. No one knew about OLIcandy and sales were stagnant. Nonetheless, we worked hard together and alhamdulillah, till date we have sold up to 1000 bottles! You'd be a fool not to try this good stuff. Suitable for guys too (plus point!) So abang abang NS or sesiapa nak kulit gebu & cerah, cubalah OLIcandy. Senang je, makan macam makan gula gula. It's so handy, you can bring it anywhere with you y'know! Follow @olicandy.sg for reviews!
This is the 1st OLIcandy, where it all started and where all of you are raving about. I'm not kidding. I was surprised myself when people are dying to get this!
V-Sireh came out with the premium edition which will now stays in the market due to high demand. This one has added with pitera (used in SK II) which helps in 5 times whitening booster! I've tried it myself and can't leave home without it!
So how Tashkila came about? I am very very inspired by entrepreneurs across the border. I mean, look at them. They are so good! I really look up to them. Their marketing skills, designs and all that made me miss about business. That made me gathered my courage back again and re-live my passion. I got all my products under one roof, in Tashkila. We live by the concept of halal, safe and muslim-friendly products only. We are still learning the rope, so do bear with us and we hope for your support! Any suggestions do leave your comments below! SPREAD THE LOVE. SPREAD TASHKILA. hehe
So here are my humble journey so far. The sentimental ones...Gosh, thank you guys for reading it till the end. I hope you enjoyed my story. Do keep up with Tashkila and I promise will write you another story...on Audela by Nad Zainal. Try it if you haven't, okay? Do keep us in your prayers.
We are back!